5 Tips for Cold Water Dipping in Winter

Cold water dipping is gaining popularity for its health benefits and the unique thrill it offers, especially during the winter months. However, jumping into icy waters requires preparation to make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Here’s a guide on how to get the most out of your cold water dipping journey, from essential gear like a Springsuit to safety tips and key benefits. Here are five tips to help you dip into winter with confidence.

1. Gear Up with the Right Winter Swimsuit

The right winter swimsuit is essential for cold water dipping. A Springsuit is an ideal choice, as it provides just the right amount of insulation and flexibility to keep you comfortable in colder temperatures. Springsuits, typically made of neoprene, offer a layer of warmth without weighing you down, so you can enjoy the chill without feeling frozen.

Pro Tip: Opt for a springsuit thickness of at least 2-3mm to ensure adequate warmth, especially for colder waters. If you’re dipping in more extreme conditions, consider adding gloves, boots, or a hood for additional insulation.

2. Gradual Acclimatisation to Cold Water

Cold water dipping, especially in winter, can be a shock to the system if you’re not used to it. Gradual acclimatisation helps your body get used to the cold, making each dip less intense over time. Start by dipping for short periods, and gradually increase the time you spend in the water as you become more comfortable.

Beginner Tip: Try taking cooler showers in the weeks leading up to your first dip. This will help your body adapt, and you’ll get a sense of what to expect once you’re in the open water.

3. Practice Cold Water Dipping Safety

Safety should be the top priority when winter dipping. Hypothermia is a real risk, so always set a time limit for your dips based on the water temperature, and don’t push yourself to stay in too long. Here are some essential safety tips:

  • Dip with a Buddy: Cold water dipping is safer and more enjoyable with friends. Having someone nearby ensures you have help if you need it.
  • Stay Close to Shore: Stick to shallow water, where you can stand if necessary. This makes exiting the water faster and easier.
  • Know Your Limits: Listen to your body and exit the water if you feel uncomfortable, numb, or lightheaded. Always err on the side of caution.

4. Warm Up Properly Before and After Your Dip

Warming up before and after cold water dipping is crucial. Before entering, engage in light exercises like jumping jacks or stretching to get your blood circulating. Avoid any vigorous exercise right before entering the water, as it can leave you feeling more sensitive to the cold.

After your dip, dry off immediately, and bundle up in warm layers. Having a thermos of hot tea or soup on hand is a great way to warm up from the inside out.

Post-Dip Pro Tip: Wool or fleece clothing is excellent for staying warm after your dip, as they insulate well, even if you’re slightly damp.

5. Embrace the Benefits of Cold Water Dipping

Cold water dipping comes with numerous health benefits, making it a rewarding activity during the winter. Here are a few reasons to take the plunge:

  • Boosted Circulation: Cold water immersion stimulates blood flow, which can improve circulation and promote a feeling of vitality.
  • Improved Mood and Mental Clarity: Many people find cold water dipping to be an exhilarating mood booster. The shock of cold water releases endorphins, leaving you feeling energised and refreshed.
  • Enhanced Immune System: Research suggests that regular cold water exposure can strengthen the immune system, helping the body better withstand seasonal illnesses.

Remember, using the right gear, like a Springsuit, can make all the difference, enabling you to experience these benefits without discomfort. A winter swimsuit like a springsuit not only protects you but also lets you move freely, so you can fully enjoy the physical and mental perks of cold water dipping.

Cold water dipping in winter is a powerful experience, both physically and mentally. By using the right winter swimsuit, practicing safety, and gradually acclimating, you can enjoy the invigorating benefits of this winter adventure. Whether you’re in it for the thrill, the health perks, or the peaceful winter landscape, these five tips will help you make the most of your cold water dipping journey. So, grab your springsuit, gather your dipping buddies, and get ready to dive into the icy waters with confidence!


Our Women's Springsuit Wetsuit is the ultimate combination of comfort, style, and performance. The 2mm thickness provides the perfect balance of warmth and flexibility, making it ideal for cooler waters. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer, a casual dipper, or simply love being in the water, this dip suit is designed to meet your needs.